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Richard G. Dancer & Associates Inc

Portfolio & Project Mgmt

Portfolio Management


Portfolio management is a business process to objectively select investments that contribute to the overall achievement of your strategic and tactical goals and objectives, provides project oversight and the post-implementation measurement of benefits.


Implementing Portfolio Management is not a technology challenge but it is a major cultural change. There is no silver bullet; "Build it and they will come" or "Buy a tool" are philosophies doomed to fail.


Organizations typically have more project demand than they can satisfy, limited by budget and resources. The world-wide economic situation today dictates "do more with less".  The real challenge is to identify, quantify and assess which projects contribute most to meeting your organizational goals, objectives and priorities by achieving defined, measurable and beneficial outcomes.

You have a business problem. Your organization has a shrinking budget because of cutbacks. Costs continue to climb. The only way to survive and prosper is by investing in projects that deliver measurable, effective and beneficial outcomes; but which ones? You have demand that exceeds affordability and your limited resources.


Think Portfolio Management.

Let RGD Associates help you implement or improve your Portfolio Management capabilities:


  • Review Portfolio Management options and help you select a model that suits your organization that addresses project selection, oversight and outcome review;
  • Develop a communications strategy that addresses organizational and cultural change; or
  • Develop Portfolio Management policies and procedures.


Contact us to discuss Portfolio Management and define what services best suit your needs.